

japanese for travelers的相關標籤

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😷 ✈️💡 In this part of CNN's “Inventing Tomorrow,” we examine how new innovations will help travelers who do make it abroad during the pandemic. Donut Robotics’ C-mask is one such example -- a smart face mask that can translate Japanese into eight different languages. The C-mask is heavy. UI confusing. Translation a bit buggy. But it's an interesting riff on wearable tech at this time of pandemic. Restaurants are also looking for alternative ways to reach their guests during these challenging times. Emmanuel Stroobant, from Saint Pierre restaurant in Singapore, has created a Bento box that can be delivered to homes and enjoyed alongside a private video call with the chef. 👊🏽 @tommy_bouchier_hayes @tompmcgowan @jadynbsham @tboothhk @devocnn @pingpingpics @ursin_caderas #InventingTomorrow #CNN #travel #transformed

😷 ✈️💡 In this part of CNN's “Inventing Tomorrow,” ...